Sunday, July 6, 2014

Mt Borah: People are Crazy

At the beginning of the year Logan and I assigned an adventure per month for the summer. July's was Mt Borah, the highest peak in Idaho. I had read a few review on it and thought that it would be a great fit for us. We woke up at 4:30 am July 5th and set out for a 2 1/2 hour drive to the trail head. Once there we learned that the hike was only 3 1/2 miles one way (not bad I thought). Then it said that we climbed 5100 ft in those 3 miles!...and they went joking. It was straight up. the.whole.way.

Do you know when you are going down a trail and you slip and slide because it is so steep? That's how steep it was all the time. The hike up was simply exhausting. I have never hiked anything like it before. I have a suggestion for the forest service: make a new trail, twice as long, half as steep! I'd gladly hike 14 miles round trip then 7.

All the pictures I took from my phone, and I don't have a fancy phone with a nice camera on it, so I apologize for the low quality. But you know, I didn't want to pack up anymore weight than I had to.

Titus is ready to go! Waiting for us to catch up to him.

These trees are fantastic! This one was so knotty

This tree was memorizing

This view is from just above the tree line

This picture doesn't do the colors justice. There we like 5 tones of color. It was beautiful.

Anyone who knows my dogs, they can run forever, especially Titus. Titus is ALWAYS in the front. This hike pooped them out big time. If they are tired they will walk beside you, never behind you. I've never seen them so tired before. 

View of Mt Borah from the ride home

Ok, now for the confessions. We didn't make it. Technically I didn't make it. Logan would have been just fine, but he didn't want to leave me. The last stretch of the hike is INSANE. Nothing like I've seen before. I've hiked many hikes before, the scariest being Angels Landing and Half Dome (I didn't make that Half Dome either, but not it's as scary as this hike, in my opinion). For example, Half dome and Angels Landing has Chains you can hold on to; this has nothing. There are many times (I hear) that you have to "swim" up shale rocks for about an hour to the summit. And I hear that "chicken out ridge" is a spot where you have to pretty much be spiderman with 12,000 ft below you. Yeah, not for me and this height-phobic girl. Granted, I still hiked an awesome hike. It took 4 1/2 hours to reach where I did way above the tree line, and 2 1/2 to go down. And note, it was straight up and straight down, not easy at all. I am a sore lady right now.

I stole some pictures off the internet to show you what I did not do. Logan is going to go up soon with a buddy of his. He's excited, and a little crazy in my opinion.

(This is where I stopped...I knew there was no way in heck I would do that!)

Next month is Table Rock (which I've done before), then the GRAND CANYON BABY (which I've done 3 times previously). Thanks Mt Borah for showing me how crazy people are!

1 comment:

  1. Crazy! And say hello to the Grand Canyon for me! I want to go back sooo bad!
